Capital Energy Foundation
Our commitment to the territories
The Capital Energy Foundation, established in November 2021 and chaired by Gloria Martín, which will focus its actions in three main areas: social action and cooperation; training and research; and climate change, sustainability and environmental protection. Gloria Martín will act as the President of this institution.

Social action and cooperation
The Capital Energy Foundation plans on promoting initiatives that are designed to facilitate the supply of energy among the most disadvantaged groups, either on its own or partnered with other foundations and NGOs, in addition to participating on donation campaigns for social purposes.
Last year it signed a cooperation agreement with the Asociación de Persoas con Discapacidade da Bisbarra de Muros (Adisbismur) to implement initiatives that favour the employment, social well-being and integration of disabled persons of the district of Muros, in A Coruña.

Research and educational projects
The foundation plans on launching a grant programme linked to specialised master’s degrees in renewable energies, as well as promoting aid for research and educational projects related to raising the awareness of new generations regarding sustainability.
Capital Energy also has extensive experience in this field, as evidenced by the agreements signed with 18 universities throughout Spain, not only to foster training on renewable energies but also to stand out as a benchmark company for doing internships.

Sustainability: climate change and environmental protection
We will work on proposals focused on safeguarding flora and fauna, on improving energy efficiency and eliminating CO2 emissions at infrastructures of the municipalities where it develops its renewable energy projects and on reducing the environmental impact of those projects.
In this regard, the company already collaborates with the NGO Grefa (Native Fauna and Habitat Rehabilitation Group), on its conservation campaign related to Montagu’s harrier, and it has promoted, together with the Energy Institute of Galicia, the installation of 70 photovoltaic panels at the Adisbismur occupational centre in the district of Outes.

Our first project
We have completed the initial phase of our first solidarity project. With the aim of increasing the energy efficiency of the Virgen de Lourdes Special Education School, located in Majadahonda (Madrid), we have replaced the original windows of the classrooms where Primary Education is taught with new, thermal windows. We expect to continue this gradual process of replacement in other classrooms in the 2022-2023 academic year.