Capital Energy has signed another agreement with the Local Council of Lousame linked to its Territories Project

Both parties are to promote beneficial actions for the residents of the town in A Coruña during the construction and operation of nine wind farms
- This initiative combines the company’s contribution towards the decarbonisation of the economy and transformation of the energy model, through the commissioning of renewable energy facilities, with its desire to promote regional growth through local talent and promotion of its social, industrial and business network
- Banzas, Maragouto, Troitomil, San Cosmeiro, O Vao, Alvite I and II, Barrosino and Vilartoxo will provide a combined total capacity of 262 MW, and their construction will involve an investment of over 320 million euros and the creation of more than 1,250 jobs in rural environments during peak construction periods
Lousame (A Coruña), 5 September 2022.- Capital Energy, a Spanish energy company established two decades ago that seeks to become the first vertically-integrated 100% renewable energy operator in the Iberian peninsula, is strengthening its commitment to the socio-economic development of Galicia, a fundamental region in the consolidation of its clean energy project.
The company has signed the third collaboration agreement in the region with the local council of Lousame, linked to its Territories Project, following those signed with the Comunidad de Montes Vecinales en Mano Común (Joint-owners of commonly-owned mountain land - CMVMC) of Fontemourente and with the Local Council of Baralla. This initiative combines the group’s contribution towards the decarbonisation of the economy and transformation of the energy model, through the commissioning of renewable energy facilities, with its desire to promote the growth of the different regions by leveraging local talent and promoting the social, industrial and business network of each area.
With this agreement in particular, linked to the commissioning of a transformer substation in the town of A Coruña, and through the construction of the Banzas, Maragouto, Troitomil, San Cosmeiro, O Vao, Alvite I and II, Barrosino and Vilartoxo wind farms, which are to transport part of the clean energy they produce in this infrastructure, Capital Energy has undertaken to promote different actions agreed to between both parties that will be adapted to meet the needs of Lousame. These will be part of specific lines of action, including the improvement of infrastructures and services, connectivity and digitisation, protection of artistic and cultural heritage, education, health, and social and labour integration of disadvantaged groups. In fact, certain initiatives beneficial to local inhabitants are already being considered, such as the implementation of measures to boost the energy saving of municipal lighting and the renewal of some of the roads near the parish church.
The partnership between the council and the company will continue throughout the operation and maintenance phase of these renewable energy facilities, with the rollout of actions that meet the above requirements. Through this agreement, all parties reaffirm their interest in contributing to the sustainable development of Lousame through actions that ensure the effective improvement of its inhabitant’s quality of life and of the environment.
Banzas (31.2 megawatt (MW) capacity), Maragouto (24.25 MW), Troitomil (30 MW), San Cosmeiro (36 MW), O Vao (31.5 MW), Alvite I (41.4 MW) and II (27 MW), Barrosino (13.5 MW) and Vilartoxo (27 MW) will have a joint installed capacity of almost 262 MW and will be able to supply around 285,000 Galician households with energy each year thanks to the 750,000-plus megawatt hours (MWh) per year of clean electricity they will produce, also avoiding the emission into the atmosphere of almost 280,000 tons of CO2.
The construction of these wind farms and their transport infrastructures, located not only in Lousame but also in the municipalities of Mazaricos, Outes, Negreira, A Baña, Santa Comba, Val do Dubra and Brión, will involve an investment of over 320 million euros and the creation of more than 1,250 jobs during peak construction periods. In the operation and maintenance phase, they will provide stable, quality employment to more than 30 local professionals and contribute to the creation of around 25 indirect jobs.
Moreover, every year and throughout their useful life, these renewable facilities will contribute about 850,000 euros to the local coffers and contribute to the GDP with over 6 million euros each year. A one-off payment of the ICIO tax on building, installations and other works for in excess of 8 million euros will be added to this recurring amount.
El Proyecto Territorios, un valor diferencial
A través del Proyecto Territorios, Capital Energy quiere articular su compromiso con el desarrollo sostenible, convertirse en un vecino más de las regiones en las que está presente y contribuir a su crecimiento social y económico.
Para lograrlo, la compañía se compromete a destinar partidas económicas específicas, durante las fases de construcción y operación de sus instalaciones renovables, a la materialización de acciones acordadas con los distintos grupos locales de interés. Como resultado de este enfoque diferencial, el grupo considerará las particularidades y necesidades de cada una de las regiones en la selección de estas iniciativas.
Con estas actuaciones, Capital Energy constata que quiere acompañar el desarrollo de sus proyectos de energías renovables en España y Portugal con el lanzamiento de programas de acción social y ambiental, adaptados a las necesidades locales, para maximizar su contribución al progreso socioeconómico de todos los territorios en los que opera.
Compromiso social con Galicia
Los convenios con la CMVMC de Fontemourente y con los ayuntamientos de Baralla y Lousame se suman a otras iniciativas sociales que la compañía ha impulsado en Galicia, vinculadas, fundamentalmente, al apoyo a colectivos desfavorecidos.
Entre ellas se encuentra la firma de un convenio marco con la Asociación de Persoas con Discapacidade da Bisbarra de Muros (Adisbismur), cuya finalidad es promover proyectos que favorezcan el empleo, el bienestar social y la integración de las personas con discapacidad de la comarca, y que se ha materializado en un primer proyecto de respaldo económico a dicha asociación para la puesta en marcha de una instalación de autoconsumo en su centro ocupacional del concello de Outes.
Además, la empresa ha donado material, mobiliario y fondos económicos a la Fundación de Discapacitados Psíquicos de A Barcala, perteneciente a los concellos de Negreira y A Baña y de la que ambos ayuntamientos son patronos, y ha rehabilitado, en colaboración con la asociación sin ánimo de lucro Amicos, la denominada Ruta das Fervenzas, que transcurre entre Outes y Mazaricos.
Sobre Capital Energy
En línea con su compromiso con la transición energética ecológica y justa, Capital Energy cuenta en la actualidad en la península ibérica con una cartera de proyectos eólicos y solares que supera los 30 gigavatios (GW) de potencia, de los que más de 8,5 GW ya disponen de los permisos de acceso a la red concedidos.
Capital Energy ha culminado su objetivo estratégico de estar presente a lo largo de toda la cadena de valor de la generación renovable: desde la promoción, donde la compañía tiene una posición consolidada gracias a su trayectoria de 20 años, hasta la construcción, producción, almacenamiento, operación y el suministro. La empresa tiene 15 oficinas en España y Portugal en las que trabajan cerca de 360 empleados.